AKS Best Practice Checks

KubeBuddy evaluates various aspects of your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) setup, highlighting potential issues and confirming best practices.

🔍 Checks Overview

Below is a categorized list of key AKS checks, ordered by ID and Category:

Best Practices

ID Check Severity
BP001 Allowed Container Images Policy High
BP002 No Privileged Containers Policy High
BP003 Multiple Node Pools Medium
BP004 Azure Linux as Host OS High
BP005 Ephemeral OS Disks Enabled Medium
BP006 Non-Ephemeral Disks with Adequate Size Medium
BP007 System Node Pool Taint High
BP008 Auto Upgrade Channel Configured Medium
BP009 Node OS Upgrade Channel Configured Medium
BP010 Customized MC_ Resource Group Name Medium

Disaster Recovery

ID Check Severity
DR001 Agent Pools with Availability Zones High
DR002 Control Plane SLA Medium

Identity & Access

ID Check Severity
IAM001 RBAC Enabled High
IAM002 Managed Identity High
IAM003 Workload Identity Enabled Medium
IAM004 Managed Identity Used High
IAM005 AAD RBAC Authorization Integrated High
IAM006 AAD Managed Authentication Enabled High
IAM007 Local Accounts Disabled High

Monitoring & Logging

ID Check Severity
MON001 Azure Monitor High
MON002 Managed Prometheus Enabled High


ID Check Severity
NET001 Authorized IP Ranges High
NET002 Network Policy Check Medium
NET003 Web App Routing Enabled Low
NET004 Azure CNI Networking Recommended Medium

Resource Management

ID Check Severity
RES001 Cluster Autoscaler Medium
RES002 AKS Built-in Cost Tooling Enabled Medium


ID Check Severity
SEC001 Private Cluster High
SEC002 Azure Policy Add-on Medium
SEC003 Defender for Containers High
SEC004 OIDC Issuer Enabled Medium
SEC005 Azure Key Vault Integration High
SEC006 Image Cleaner Enabled Medium
SEC007 Kubernetes Dashboard Disabled High

Each check provides insights into security, performance, and cost optimization.